Friday, August 17, 2012

Re'eh 5772

“See, this day I set before you blessing and curse” (Deuteronomy 11:26).

Human beings stand perpetually at a crossroad, deciding which path to take.  We have free will, and are afforded choice each and every day, each and every moment.  We chose between blessing and curse at all times.
The choices are usually miniscule, but small choices add up.  According to Sfat Emet, the Hasidic master from the early Twentieth Century, each choice is but a hairbreadth, that is, so minor as to be insignificant.  “The righteous, as they overcome each hairbreadth, go on to encounter another.  They keep doing so forever, until they accumulate so many as to seem like a mountain” (Arthur Green, The Language of Truth, JPS, 1998).  This is how we craft our way in this world, and it is entirely up to us whether we arrive at the summit of righteousness or the valley of wickedness.  Both journeys are made one step at a time.

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