Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Mishpatim -- 5776

Before debit cards, it happened all the time:  you’d run out of cash, and had to borrow a few bucks from a friend or co-worker to cover lunch.  Debt weighs heavily on some people, who wouldn’t rest until they’d repaid what they owed.  Others seemed to take their sweet time.  And some lenders, it must be said, were more intense about being repaid than others.  Debt can strain relationships.  No wonder Polonius cautioned “neither a borrower nor a lender be” (Hamlet, 1:3).

It’s easy when the debt is the price of a sandwich between people who have sufficient.  But when the stakes rise, and a person needs money for life’s substantial needs, the pressure grows ever higher. 
Jewish Free Loan of Greater Phoenix provides interest-free loans to Jews in need.  As a member of the Board of Directors, I’ve seen first-hand how people come in needing a bit of assistance – a student loan, money to buy a new car or to fix up a home, cash up front to pay adoption expenses – and walk out with the problem resolved.  They don’t have to load up their credit cards.  Instead, they can get on with their lives with less stress and with less interest.

“If you lend money to My people, to the poor among you, do not act toward them as a creditor; exact no interest from them” (Exodus 22:24).  These words from Parshat Mishpatim are the animating force behind Jewish Free Loan.

If you ever have a need – or know someone in a tough spot – please refer them to Jewish Free Loan.  The process is respectful, simple, and helpful.

Loans are available for a wide range of uses:  adoption/in-vitro fertilization, business development & expansion, education (both Jewish and secular, including college), Israel experiences, medical/dental, personal/emergencies, burial, senior care, special needs/disability assistance, and general need.
If you ever want to give tzedakah, knowing that it will be recycled countless times as loans are made, re-paid, and the funds re-distributed, consider giving to Jewish Free Loan.  Your gift will have a truly infinite impact.

It’s better not to be a borrower.  But if you’re in need of money, thank goodness for Jewish Free Loan.

For more information, visit:  Jewish Free Loan of Greater Phoenix