Friday, August 10, 2012

Eikev 5772

Moses, approaching the end of his days, remembers what happened after he destroyed the first set of Commandments.  God tells him to “hew … two stone tablets like the first ones and come up to Me onto the mountain, and make for yourself a wooden ark”  (Deuteronomy 10:1).  Moses, however, “made an ark of acacia wood, and [then] hewed two stone tablets like the first ones” (10:3). 

Rashi notices that Moses goes out of order, directly disobeying God.  He was supposed to make the tablets first.  The great commentator explains Moses’ thinking by putting words in his mouth:  “I, however, made the ark first, because when I could come with the tablets in my hand, where would I put them?”
There are dreamers in this world, people who have bold visions and inspire others to join in.  And there are systems people, capable of determining the proper order so that processes are smooth, efficient, and effective.  Some are content to launch out into the unknown.  Others prefer having a map in hand.  When taking on a project, following instructions is often beneficial.  And sometimes improvisation is what’s needed.  Success usually requires a mixture of vision AND research, planning AND adaptation.  The trick is to know your strength, and when to employ each technique.

How do you work best?  Do you seek out partners to compliment you, or do you find it upsetting to work with people who have styles different from yours?

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