Friday, February 20, 2015

Terumah -- 5775

“Tell the Israelite people to bring Me gifts; you shall accept gifts for Me from every person whose heart is so moved.”  (Ex. 25:1)  The gifts are precious metals and semi-precious stones, yarns of several colors, wood and skins, oil, and spices.  The Mishkan/Tabernacle is created out of these, the place where God comes to connect with humanity.  Through their gifts, the people create a focal point for the community.

A synagogue is a space where Jewish people and families come together for individual and collective betterment.  I believe that synagogues are at their best when people share themselves with each other, when we live our individual gifts within the context of community.  In turn, our lives are richer when we activate the treasures of our souls – our talents, our passions, our interests, whether we excel at them or not.  At synagogue, we get to be the people we wish to be.

Just like the gifts our ancestors brought to the tabernacle so long ago, our gifts are varied and multi-colored.  Each of us has something unique and precious within us.  We are more fulfilled as people if we share our gifts.  The community is strengthened in turn.

A synagogue thrives when teachers teach and singers sing, when numbers people help with the finances, activists come together to do meaningful social justice work, and little ones play – each doing exactly what he or she is meant to be doing.  I love watching Jews become Torah scholars and teenagers assume increasing responsibility, right before my eyes.  What a blessing that Café Emanuel sends kids to summer camp.  At synagogue, we are invited to lead our best possible lives.

What’s your gift?  Won’t you share it with us, please?

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