Friday, February 14, 2014

Ki Tissa 5774

The first set of Commandments is carved “by the finger of God” (Exodus 31:18). The finger of God!  Can it be that God has a finger?  Anthropomorphic images of God abound in the Torah:  God breathing the breath of life into Adam, God walking with Noah, God’s outstretched arm freeing the Israelites.  Are we to understand that God has a body?

Rambam, a great sage of the Medieval period, tells us that the “Torah speaks in human language.”  That is, the Torah employs metaphoric language to convey concepts that outpace the human mind.  Since the Torah wants us to understand, it uses language we can comprehend. 

Language routinely uses simile and metaphor to convey ideas that are complex or novel.  Even young children understand that it never actually “rains cats and dogs.”  Why should the Torah be less subtle than everyday speech?

What is meant by the image “the finger of God”?  That the Torah emanates directly from God.  That God creates the words, and that they are holy.  If the words come from God, they can certainly hold multiple, simultaneous truths.

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